Saturday 19 February 2011

Cruel Love

I'm breaking my own heart,
Crying over a Love that never even took place-
and never will it.
Mourning the passing of a life we could have had.
I used to be a human. Now, I'm just it's leftovers.
Nothing more than shattered pieces on the ground,
too small and damaged to piece and once again make whole.

If love is the most coveted secret of life,
why am i doomed to wait for a love I can never have?
But love them with all my heart, spirit and soul.
When we are alone, its not so painful.
But lonely without love, is sickening.

Without love, we fear it will never find us.
We also fear is absence once its grasped.
Seems we cannot win either way.

I am weak. Yet, the words my heart shouts,
has power to penetrate the very core of the earth,
diminish all but truth, revealing a truth much to
potent for you to ever perceive.
For you are Perfect.
And I'm so far from it.

Love your Life.
And I will live life's end.
Just Know I Loved you.
Unfortunately- always will.

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