Monday 13 December 2010

Porcelain Life

I live a porcelain life;
If you touch me, I may break. Shatter.
I've been taught to lead a life unafraid, strong, to yearn for what love is waiting for me, to soon discover it and bathe in its glowing warmth.
But everything I touch, everything I want to embrace, loses life. It fades.
I can gaze at the beauty and desire that a rose holds, I can bask in the ambiance of its presence for more than a few moments, but when I reach out -
Try to capture that which I thrive for so dearly, it withers, the colour of love, the colour of my heart cruelly suffers a slow death, Its energy, its essence, its life drained.
As I see its leaves begin to drop to the earth, I feel my own heart shrivelling inside of me.

I have become a curse to anyone, anything, that I so feel the need to
Grasp , for its touch; they leave, they fade and as time passes, so will I.
I know I am never meant for love, it is my existence, it is why I live, it is what I yearn, but it is never meant for me.
Yet, I hold tremendous power,I feel love, I see love, I understand love,
But never will I have it.

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