Saturday 1 January 2011

Your Tongue is the Sharpest Weapon

I feel abandoned. Alone. Abused. Ashamed.
As if God himself has kicked me out of his loving circle,
All i wish, is for there to be more to life,
For war and hate to come to its end,
For love to take its rightful place in the World.
The sharpness is not in the knife but in the
words in which they spit at you,
Scars, Cuts and bruising heals,
but the worst weapons are the words you cut me with,
and they will remain forever in me.

In the world, we live as animals - as beasts,
do what we want, when we please,
do we ever stand back and see what we have,
do we ever see the pain we cause,
the people we kill with words and weapons,

the love that should have been - isnt.
the words that should have been said - werent.
what you should have been - you are not.

i am who i was created to be .
i say what i truly mean.
believe what i find inspiration in.
i am not a label. a tag. a thing.

im a human.

and thats no angel.